Broadcasting Budget Targets War on Terror
The proposed fiscal year 2007 budget for U.S. international broadcasting calls for an overall increase of 4.3% from fiscal year 2006 targeted to the war on terror and new technology. While proposed increases go primarily to Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Voice of America (VOA), non-war on terror related language services would see reductions and/or eliminations.
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Chairman Kenneth Y. Tomlinson said, “In the post-Katrina budget environment, I believe we are fortunate to get an increase that strengthens our role in the war on terrorism. The ’07 proposed budget of $671.9 million follows a 7.5% increase for fiscal year ’06.”
In recent years, the Bush Administration and Congress have wiped out the 40 percent cut in spending for international broadcasting during the 1990s following the end of the Cold War.
For fiscal year 2007, the budget proposal calls for a 13% increase for Middle East Broadcasting Networks and a 5.3% increase for Voice of America.
The Board of Governors’ proposed $671.9 million budget includes a number of new initiatives, enhancements and a continuation of initiatives begun in ’06. They include: