Mobile Health for African Journalist Training
Cape Town, South Africa
VOA, in coordination with the U.N. Foundation, implemented a training on Mobile Health for African reporters, including six stringers from various VOA language services, in Cape Town, South Africa, June 6-8, 2011. The training included a briefing on how to navigate the MHealth Conference, and how best to use mobile technology in health issues.
The four VOA reporters represented Togo, Mozambique and Rwanda. Also attending were South African reporters from: Health-e News Service,, HUM News, Die Burger, Telkomsa, and Business Day.
All reporters produced features, interviews, and special reports from the conference floor and discussed the wide field of MHealth technology in various languages from English and French to Swahili and Ndebele.
By attending the conference and providing training for regional reporters VOA demonstrate its commitment to support the media in Africa as well as its support to a brand new field of technology – working to advance communication for people living with critical health issues in remote areas of the world.