Nigeria’s Speaker of the House Visits BBG
The speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, visited the Broadcasting Board of Governors on September 12 where he was interviewed by the Voice of America Hausa Service and met with VOA Director David Ensor and International Broadcasting Bureau Director Richard Lobo.
“The speaker’s visit to Washington was a welcome opportunity to renew our collaboration and discuss opportunities for further avenues for expanding our reach to this vitally important audience,” Mr. Lobo said. “Nigeria is home to one of our largest audiences worldwide and strong partnerships on the ground are a key to our success.”
Mr. Ensor added, “Mr. Tambuwal is a highly respected senior elected official, and we are pleased he took the time to visit with us. The speaker told us he grew up in a household in northern Nigeria where he heard VOA at an early age. We are honored by his visit.”
VOA broadcasts to Nigeria in Hausa and English, provides an SMS news service and has hosted journalism training and town hall meetings on national issues.
While in Washington, Tambuwal met with members of Congress and spoke at the Johns Hopkins School of International Studies (SAIS) on “Regional Security Challenges and Nigeria’s Future.”