Alhurra’s Nabila Kilani Hosts a Week of Al Youm from the Heart of Morocco
Nabila Kilani, the co-host of Alhurra’s flagship program Al Youm, traveled back to her native Morocco to host a week’s worth of programs from the North African country. During her time in Morocco, Kilani had a one-on-one interview with the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco Dwight L. Bush. He discussed the latest trends regarding start-up companies in Morocco and the upcoming Global Entrepreneurs’ Summit being held in Marrakesh.
She also did a series of reports on Morocco’s fight against terrorism, in which she interviewed with the Moroccan Minister of Tourism Dr. Lahcen Haddad and examined how Moroccans are still feeling the residual effects of the terrorist attack in Casablanca 10 years ago. In another report, she profiled a youth campaign launched to denounce ISIL, and spoke with a moderate Islamic Iman about the importance of distancing ISIL from Islam. She also highlighted a satirical weekly program in Morocco that regularly makes fun of of the terrorist group.
Another report looked at rising singers in Morocco and how they are using social media to gain fans. She also interviewed Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development Bassima Hakkaoui about how women are finding empowerment through social media to speak out against sexual harassment.