Celebrating 75 years of excellence
Today, we celebrate Voice of America’s 75th year of service.
Since its creation, VOA has been a stalwart source of trusted, independent news and information where it is needed most. And that is worthy of celebration.
But it is not just VOA’s journalism that we recognize today. Today, we recognize the effect that you have on the hearts and minds of individuals around the world. You are part of a 75-year tradition of engaging those whose only access to news and information is often limited or threatened, and those with curtailed freedom of expression. That is a vital mission — and it makes each of you an inspiring figure in your own right. John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
It is in that spirit that I honor the hard work, dedication and passion of those who represent the Voice of America. VOA today — as it has for the past 75 years — continues to be a vital source of accurate news and information and a credible means to tell America’s story to the world.
I am honored to be a part of it and look forward to continuing the great tradition.