Public Diplomacy Challenges for the Trump Administration
Fake news, information warfare, terrorist recruitment, Russian interference in U.S. elections – never have the challenges been greater facing the Public Diplomacy institutions of the U.S. government, charged with conducting “the war of ideas.” The field of Public Diplomacy is becoming increasingly complex and important. Information warfare is a new battlespace, which demands new strategic thinking and new tools. The Trump Administration has to deal with the challenges not only from aggressive state actors, such as China and Russia, but also from radical Islam and its threatening online presence. Yet, at the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors any reform or retooling has been slow to take shape as the Administration focused on a multitude of domestic issues.
Attention must now be focused on rebuilding America’s capabilities that were so successful in winning the “war of ideas” against Soviet Communism in the Cold War. Join us as a lineup of outstanding experts in the field discusses challenges and solutions facing U.S. Public Diplomacy.