United States Agency for Global Media

Management Team

Chief Executive Officer

Amanda Bennett

The CEO oversees all aspects of U.S. international media. She provides day-to-day management of USAGM’s operations, including oversight of the technical, professional, and administrative support as well as strategic guidance and management of other programs.

Network Leaders

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John Lippman
Acting Director, Voice of America (VOA)

As Acting Director, Lippman oversees VOA, an international multimedia operation broadcasting in more than 40 languages around the world on radio, television, and the internet.

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Stephen Capus
President & CEO, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

As President & CEO, Capus oversees the operations of RFE/RL, which serves as a surrogate media source in more than 20 countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and Ukraine.

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Sylvia Rosabal
Director, Office of Cuba Broadcasting

As OCB Director, Rosabal oversees Radio and TV Martí, which provide balanced news on local, regional, and international events of importance to the Cuban people.

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Bay Fang
President & CEO, Radio Free Asia (RFA)

As RFA President, Fang provides strategic and operational direction to meet RFA’s mission of providing balanced, objective news to listeners in East Asian countries, where such news is unavailable.

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Jeffrey Gedmin
Acting President & CEO, Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN)

As Acting President/CEO, Gedmin oversees MBN, a multimedia organization that broadcasts in Arabic to a weekly audience of 31 million people in 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

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Laura Cunningham
President, Open Technology Fund (OTF)

As president of OTF, Cunningham leads the organization that works to advance internet freedom in repressive environments.